Navigating A Course To Justice

COVID-19 Update

On Behalf of | Feb 18, 2024 | Firm News

Productivity Maintained

While courthouses may be closed during these difficult times, our firm remains operational and committed to protecting and advancing the interests of our clients. In order to protect the health and safety of our staff, their families and our clients, the physical office space remains closed to the public, but rest assured that we are fully connected to the firm infrastructure and are continuing to advance your case.

Of course there will be inconveniences and delays, especially given that the courts are not functioning at 100%, but we are taking all available opportunities to minimize the impact on your matter.

In addition to being available by phone and email, we have also adopted video conferencing technology, which will allow us remain safe while still being able to meet in the next best thing to “face to face”.

Things are changing on a daily basis, so I have included links to the CDC (Link to: and Florida Department of Health (Linkt to: which will enable you to be able to obtain the latest information direct from the source.