If you think that fooling around on cruise ships is something worth trying, then you should be aware of the way that cruise lines handle those that violate their safety rules. One woman learned the hard way that cruise ships certainly aren’t fooling around. She’s been banned for life after climbing over the railings. However, another passenger snapped a photo of the woman out on the ledge, holding onto the ship and alerted ship security. Security removed the woman, dropped her off at the nearest port, and banned her from ever going on another Royal Carribean Cruise again.
Why Cruise Lines Take Passenger Safety Seriously
Cruise lines are highly lucrative businesses that bring in billions of dollars in revenue each year. However, a major chunk of their profits are paid out to injured guests who just happen to be unlucky one day. These include cases of cabin doors slamming on their hands, inclement weather causing the ship to unsteady, and improperly treated medical problems.
Cruise lines pay millions of dollars in profit each year to injured passengers. However, when passengers are behaving recklessly, the best way to avoid potential liability is simply to remove them from the ship.
The economics behind this decision are obvious. Even in cases where the cruise line specifically tells a passenger that they cannot climb on the railings or go out on the ledge, a passenger may find an angle with the help of their attorney to hold the cruise line responsible anyway. Even in cases where their lawsuit doesn’t survive dismissal or a jury finds in favor of the defendant, the cruise line has expended thousands of dollars in legal fees to fight the allegations. For them, it’s cheaper simply to remove the offending passenger.
A similar incident occurred earlier this year. One man decided that he would try to jump from one balcony to another. He, of course, injured himself in the process. The cruise line responded by removing him and his entire group from the ship and banning them for life.
If you think that this is harsh, consider what injured parties have to go through when they do sustain injury through no fault of their own. They are often treated by onboard medical staff who do their best to ensure that their injuries are treated. They are then interviewed by security to determine what happened. Since security works primarily for the cruise line, their interests are not aligned with those of the injured passenger. If the passenger is injured through no fault of their own, then they can file a claim against the cruise line to seek compensation for their medical injuries and pain and suffering. But in cases where the passenger is primarily at fault, they may not be entitled to collect anything since it was their own negligence that caused their injuries, and not the cruise ship’s.
Talk to a Miami Maritime Injury Attorney Today
If you’ve been injured aboard a cruise ship, Miami admiralty & maritime lawyer Michael F. Guilford can help you file a suit to recover damages. Talk to us today to set up a free consultation.